I'm Dave Munger, and I'll be heading up the CRC Mileage Program for 2015. Audrey Ashkin has done a tremendous job handling the mileage program in a way that I couldn't possibly duplicate. My plan is to make it a little more automated. You won't get the personal touch of Audrey emailing you as you finish each month, but hopefully it will be just as rewarding to participate in.
The mileage program is a way for CRC members to set mileage goals for the year, then track them and see how they compare to fellow CRC runners. We will distribute patches to each participant who surpasses 500, 1,000, or 2,000 miles in a year.
As with this year, in 2015 there will be two ways to participate (they'll just be a little different than in the past). If you are on Garmin Connect, all you need to do is join the Charlotte Running Club Group and make sure your privacy settings allow "Connections and Groups" to see your activities. Then as long as you sync your Garmin with Garmin Connect, your miles will be automatically tracked on a Google Doc. Otherwise, you can update your own weekly mileage on the CRC Mileage Program - 2015 Google Doc. Because of the way Garmin tracks miles, we'll do the tracking on a weekly basis rather than a monthly basis. If you're adding your name to the sheet for the first time, please add it on the bottom. It doesn't work to add it to the middle. We'll sort the list periodically so it stays in alphabetical order.
Like Audrey, I will email CRC members monthly reminders to update their information, but I will be asking you to do the updates yourself, either via the Charlotte Running Club Group on Garmin Connect or the CRC Mileage Program - 2015 Google Doc. If you don't have a Garmin device you can still create a Garmin Connect account and manually enter your activities or possibly sync from a non-Garmin device or app. Otherwise just use the Google Doc to update your weekly mileage (weeks end on Sundays).
If you have any questions or suggestions about the 2015 program, post them in the comments below or email me at dave@davidsontiming.com.
I look forward helping everyone meet their mileage goals for 2015!
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