“The Charlotte
Running Club is just for ‘FAST’ runners.”
This is simply not true. The Charlotte Running Club is open to all paces and welcomes all paces.
We have specifically organized our Facebook pace groups to accommodate multiple pace ranges. We have organized prediction, Easter Egg, holiday lights, brain freeze, endurance, and relay runs/races because they allow for other aspects aside from “speed” to be the determining factor in the finishing order. We schedule Happy Hours Socials and Summer Picnics so members have opportunities to meet and talk outside of running. We have gone to great lengths to make sure our activities connect with as many members as possible.
In my opinion people join the Charlotte Running Cub because they are passionate about running, they want to be more consistent, and they want the extra motivation and accountability that comes from being surrounded by “like minded” individuals. After they join and probably before they even realize it, they are attending more group runs, going to more workouts, and running more miles. They are becoming more visible at group runs, workouts, and races. Low and behold they may become faster.
So yes, if you passionate about running, I would love for you to join our club and I don’t care what pace you run. Just don’t be surprised if after you join, you find yourself running faster.
Upcoming CRC Activities and Events:
Our board is working hard to have a CRC presence all over Charlotte
this year.
· Upcoming
Activities and Group Run Series
7/8/14 CRC/Charlotte Running Company Group Run –
Dilworth Location – 6:30 PM
7/10/14 CRC/DART/Omega Sports Group Run – Summit
Coffee Davidson – 6:30 PM
7/15/14 CRC Track Night 5k under the lights @
UNCC Irwin Belk Track
7/24/14 CRC/US Whitewater Center Group Run 6:15
– Main facility 6:15 PM
7/29/14 CRC/Inside Out Sports Group Run – 6:30
8/3/14 Brain Freeze Run – Metropolitan 4 PM
8/5/14 CRC/Blue Ridge Relay – preparty – at
Charlotte Running Company – Dilworth 6:30 PM
8/10/14 CRC/Sunday Long Run (SLR) Half Marathon
– McMullen Greenway 7AM
Sept BB&T Stadium Run – Uptown Charlotte
Oct 10/4/14 Uptown Throwdown 12hr Run/Relay
CRC/Run Safer Clinic Oct
12/9/14 Holiday Lights Run (5:30 PM near Freedom
Park )
CRC Summer Picnic:
In mid-June of each year we hold our annual club picnic and social.
For the second year in a row, we choose to hold this event at Freedom Park. The
Park & Rec guys hooked us up with an awesome shelter. It was nestled very
nicely in the shade of several large trees.
Throughout the afternoon, we were able to wonder between Corn Hole
games and volleyball games. Big thanks, to Rob, Wen, and Brad for sharing their
games with the rest of us.
The club supplied the hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, and accessories, and
I would like to personally thank our members for their side items. There was
plenty of food for everyone. I also would like to thank Brad for stepping in to
the chef’s role and grilling our hamburgers and hotdogs.
CRC Happy Hour @ BlackFinn
I would like to thank BlackFinn for hosting our second CRC Happy Hour.
This is something new that we started just this year. Attendance is usually
around 10 club members, but we hope to continue to have them and grow them over
Tour de Charlotte:
While you are watching the Tour de France unfold, plan to join us for
our little tour of Charlotte during the month of July.
We will kick things off with a group run from the Dilworth Charlotte
Running Company store on 7/8. We head to Summit Coffee in Davidson for a run
with our buddies from DART at 6:30 on 7/10. Look for Omega Sports to join us.
We turn on the lights at UNCC Irwin Belk Track on 7/15 for CRC’s summer track
night – events start at 7 PM and remember it is free for both members and non members.
The following week 7/24, we will head out to the US Whitewater Center and join
them for a trail run. There are several distance options so pick your poison.
We will finish the month of July off by joining our friends from Inside Out
Sports on 7/29 from their Church Street location for a group run.
Plenty of opportunities to join us so mark your calendars.
Mileage Program:
You can still join our mileage program by replying to Audrey’s monthly
email. If for some reason, you have not received an email from her, you can
still email Audrey at run.charlotte.miles@gmail.com
Member Status:
We soared to more than 300 members this month for the first time in
since the early days when club was founded. Our current member count stands at
315. Could we get to 400 by the end of the year? I would love to see us do it
so please invite your friends to join our club.
Board Members:
During our late May meeting our CRC board approved Loril’s nomination
to our club’s board, and Eric Bilbrey was nominated and approved as the board’s
Vice President. Loril will be completing Stephanie’s term which ends December
of this year.
During our June meeting, Dave Munger was nominated and approved by our
club’s board to complete Laurie’s term which ends in December of ’15.
Board Meeting Update:
Our May board meeting was pushed back into the first week of June to
accommodate the schedules of our board members. Here is a link to our May Board
Meeting notes.
Our June board meeting was on the 6/26 at Whole Foods.
We postponed approval of the board meeting minutes from May. They
still needed to be reviewed by the board members.
Next up, Dave Munger’s name was placed into nomination and approved to
fill the boards open position.
Paul delivered the club’s Treasury report. Current balance stands at
We then went into a discussion of the group runs and events for the
CRC during the months of July and Aug – see the list below.
July 8th CRC/Charlotte Running Company Group Run
meeting - Dilworth -6:30 PM
July 10 CRC/DART/Omega Sports Group Run - Summit
Coffee - 6:30 PM
July 15th Summer Track Night - UNCC– 7 PM
July 24th CRC/US Whitewater Center Trail Group
Run (Main Center) 6:30 PM
July 29th CRC/Inside Out Sports - Group Run – 6:30
Aug 3 - CRCBrain Freeze Run - Metropolitan – 4
Aug 5 – CRC/Charlotte Running Company/BRR
Logistic Meeting – Dilworth – 6:30 PM
Aug 10 - SLR 1/2 marathon – McMullen Greenway –
Rea Rd Entrance – 7 AM
We plan to provide water and Gatorade for the SLR event on Aug 10th.
Mike was approved to pay for up to $50 dollars in food and
refreshments for 7/8 and 7/29 runs.
The club is extremely low on CRC Promo cards. The board authorized
Mike to purchase a new bundle of cards – costing no more than $150.
Discussions are continuing about holding a BB&T
Stadium benefiting the ‘Let Me Run’ group. No dates and times are available at
this point.
Work on the WC8k Sponsorship materials will be delayed until we have
locked down a date and location for the Winter Classic 8k. The current plans
say that McAlpine XC will be closed after the first of the year. Therefore, we
are looking at other options for our club’s race next year.
Eric will be heading up our push for information sharing during the
month of July. Each week, we will be posting different information about group
runs, running stores, trails, races, and friends of CRC to our club’s Facebook
and www.CharlotteRunningClub.org.
Additionally, we will be sending emails to club members with this same
Loril has agreed to head up a
communications group. More details about their efforts will be shared once they
have had a chance to meet and chart a direction.)
I am not sure if everyone realizes but we use Survey Monkey for our
surveys and board voting. This cost of us just over $200 dollars per year. We
are looking to let this expire and pick up similar functionality from Constant
Contact. The cost will be roughly $84 per year versus the $206 that we
currently pay with Survey Monkey. This transition will take place during the
month of September.
Wrapping Up:
With dawn pushing back the darkness before 6 AM, I am super excited
about the longer days. No head lamps needed and I can attempt to finish a run
before the heat and humidity of the day overtakes me.
So don’t waste your summer. Head out the door and get in those runs.
If there is every a question, a concern, or just general feedback
about our club, reach out to run.charlotte@gmail.com. Our board
members monitor this email inbox and usually respond to emails within 24 hours.
Come run with me,
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