Sunday, April 25, 2010

Declared Your Fall Marathon Yet?

So finishing one marathon you find yourself already thinking about your next. It is a sick thought process that after you just tortured your body and swore it was the most painful thing you ever did...a day goes by and you think about how you can improve :)

Here is what I have heard so far about the Fall and folks in Charlotte.
1) Twin Cities - several folks going out to that one from CRC. Flat and fast.
2) Chicago - always popular and I know a couple members heading that direction.
3) MCM - lots of folks for Charlotte heading to the Nations Capital for this one. Sold out except for charity spots.
4) NYC - another big one that draws plenty of people from here - sold out
5) OBX - usually between the full and half, about 10-15 Charlotte folks go.
6) Richmond - I am going so selfishly I would love to see as many folks from Charlotte so we can have some fun together :) Would love to return back up to MCM but it is halloween.

Others? Philly is usually popular for folks here at a few people head down to Atlanta.

Of course super late fall/early winter don't forget Thunder Road right here in our back yard.

We will be doing more to try and help link folks up for training for fall full and half marathons and also to help you find familiar faces to travel/room/race/celebrate with for your marathon journey (or half marathon journey).

Happy Running :) - Aaron


  1. Has anybody run Detroit's marathon? I've got some family up there and was considering it for a fall marathon.

  2. Hi you all, my name is alfonso i am from Ecuador, my family lives in Charlotte, and I use to be a runner, i have a tendinitis in the gluteous, i am visiting the city this may , can you recomend me any good doctor, i have visiting dozen but i can`t run anymore!
    Thank you , blessings,

